Day 27 of 30 challenge January 2017


This is a picture I had of my kitty Oliver looking out the window.  He was sitting facing me but had turned his head looking over his shoulder.     Below I wanted to post what I’m starting to do to keep track of my color mixtures and what was used in a painting.   I don’t know how other artist do it.  but I think for me it just might work.

so I am going to start cutting my paper bigger and construct my painting shifted over so I have an area to test paints and jot down the names of the colors used.  This way when a painting is all done .  This can be cut off and labeled which painting these colors where used on and also if I get a great mixture.. it will be there for me to repeat again in a different painting. The date started and finished  name of paper used. Also who what where on the back.  what the inspiration was as well.. It need not be a novel but if you want to recall all these details why not file it some where to have it when needed.


A shot of kitty a little bit further a way.  It measures 5.7 on arches 300 pound paper.  Using Daniel Smith watercolors.