A great way to start painting again.

Let me begin with I have no affiliation with this author/artist.  My daughter bought me this lovely workbook called “Watercolor book vol 1 botanicals by Sara Cray.”  I love it! In it she has projects with pre drawn subjects.  Each project focuses on a type of technique using watercolors.  I like that I don’t have to search and draw out subject matter which is overwhelming at this point. Each project actually has a watercolor paper with a drawing lightly printed and can be removed to frame. At this point I want to get a handle on the painting part.  So this is perfect in my opinion to learn and practice.  I’ve taken pictures of my progress of this painting.  Also the info of the book if anyone is interested in it. This project took me less than an hour.

Using waterproof ink pen
Adding flowers and splatter loosely rendered

Getting organized

After a very long break from painting,I have promised my self I will give it a go again.   Feeling like I’m starting over again.   I started to look at my supplies,and to figure out the ” in studio painting” and ” plein air  painting”

So I need an area I can leave my paints out. Half the time just getting everything out to paint is a huge turn off .

I’ve always had an interest in plein air so this is about getting organized.  After pulling out out all the possible bags I own to pack my painting bag.  Figured this is my best solution.

My let’s go painting bag

In here I managed to fit my “Meeden tripod”. My little seat,water color paper, palette,brushes, rags, small bottles of water and two plastic containers for clean and dirty water,pencils eraser and tape.  I’m sure I will add more but for now this will work

So this tripod set up is really neat.  There is a shelf to mix  colors hold water and what have you. My palette has a small mixing surface. So may just use it as a shelf.

These 3 photos show the different heights the tripod can be adjusted to. It is a bit flimsy so it is important to weight it down so wind doesn’t carry it away
I use this “aquatote”  which I put my jars of water and extra rags, tape.

Thanks for stopping by. I’m heading out to paint.have a great day!

My 30 paintings in 30 days!

This I must say was an eye opener, when we say we don’t have enough time.  It is So not true ,I have proved to myself that I can find the time.  I was really entrenched in this process this month, and had a fun time doing it.   So now I need to keep this momentum going, painting away.

These are my 30 , and pleased overall.   Thanks for taking a look 🙂picmonkey-image

Day 30 of 30 Fun month of painting!January 2017


An amazing 30 days for sure!  Here is my very last january painting and will add a “sort of works in progress ” on this one.  I say sort of because at one point I just forgot and went crazy painting.. and didn’t stop to photograph.    I was not sure it was going to come together.  Over all i’m happy with it but have a long way to go in learning fur and just learning to use different color schemes.    Seems I keep using the same colors.

The picture I used was from a magazine from along time ago.  I just loved the side view of this cat and knew I wanted to attempt painting this guy..  finally.

So now what?  Must keep painting!  Not sure what February will bring need to think about that.  Maybe it will be another month of paintings..we shall see.  🙂

light drawing

light underpainting

begun the eye

started to lay in the darks

and bam I got to this point sorry no pictures from last update.. but did add more detail to eye and fur and back ground

started to really work up the fur and washes to blend in somewhat.

finished painting.